Welcome to the AIFC Court, a hugely significant initiative for the Astana International Financial Centre, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the entire Eurasia region.

The Court provides a common law court system for the first time in Eurasia. It operates to the highest international standards to resolve civil and commercial disputes in the AIFC. It has exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising out of the activities and operations of the AIFC and jurisdiction in the case of other disputes in which all parties agree to give the Court jurisdiction.

The Court is separate and independent from the judicial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  There is a Court of Appeal whose decisions are final. The Court has its own procedural rules modelled on the principles and procedures of English common law and standards applied by the world’s leading financial centres. A special fast track procedure is offered for adjudicating small claims up to the value of USD 150,000 at the Small Claims Court.

The Court has an eJustice system that enables parties to file cases electronically from anywhere around the world without their having to be physically present at the Court’s premises. Video hearings happen when a judge decides that an in person hearing is not necessary or appropriate. Cost and time efficient case management ensures that cases are administered and adjudicated as quickly and appropriately as possible. The Court’s decisions are supported by a robust enforcement system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition to a Chief Justice, the Court has ten Justices. Six Justices are judges who are eligible to hear cases in the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal, and there are Justices who specialise in deciding small claims cases. All of the Justices are among the most experienced and distinguished judges from the common law world with global reputations for independence, impartiality, integrity and unconditional application of the rule of law.

The Court also has a highly professional team that deals with administration, management and preparation of cases under the guidance of the Registrar.

There are extremely wide rights of audience. All lawyers with a professional lawyer or advocate practicing certificate from anywhere around the world are eligible to register with the Court to represent parties in cases adjudicated there.

The Court’s international standard premises are headquartered in Astana, the Kazakhstan capital, with additional premises in Almaty in Kazakhstan, and in eight countries in Eurasia that are key trading partners with Kazakhstan. All of the premises have international standard meeting and conference rooms, office facilities, and access to innovative digital technology to assist with timely and cost effective case management.

Professional support services Chambers are located at the Court’s Astana premises, providing conference, meeting and hearing rooms equipped with state of the art IT.

The Court has its own Training Centre and cooperates with leading international education institutions to provide professional legal and judicial education that contributes to the development of future lawyers and judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the wider Eurasia region.

The Court has been recognised by global investors as the preferred court for international commercial disputes in Eurasia, competing with the very best courts in the world, and has been included in more than 10,000 business contracts as the court of first choice.

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