The AIFC Court has extremely wide rights of audience. Lawyers may represent parties in cases at the AIFC Court subject to authorisation from the AIFC Court Registrar and registration with the AIFC Court Registry as follows: 

  1. All lawyers with a professional lawyer or advocate practicing certificate from anywhere around the world are eligible to register with the AIFC Court Registry to represent parties in cases at the AIFC Court upon submission to the AIFC Court Registry of a valid current lawyer practicing certificate and letter of good standing from the lawyer’s regulatory body. 
  1. Lawyers whose legal practice is not regulated by a lawyer or bar regulator and do not have a professional lawyer or advocate certificate, are eligible to register with the AIFC Court Registry to represent parties in cases at the AIFC Court upon submission to the AIFC Court Registry of an undergraduate law degree certificate and two court judgements or orders in cases in which the applicant represented interests of one of the parties (a letter of recommendation from a judge or client confirming previous representation of parties in courts may be submitted as an alternative to court judgements or orders).

To register for rights of audience please visit our eJustice website at court-iac-ejustice.com or send an email to the AIFC Court Registry with signed scanned copies of the above listed documents.

AIFC Court - Code of Conduct for Legal Practitioners

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